Durability is the most crucial factor for any tool or weapon in Minecraft, as those have prefixed durability points. But do you know you can now significantly increase the durability factor? Yes, it can be easily done with the Minecraft unbreaking enchantment.
The unbreaking enchantment can increase the durability factor of any tool, armor, or weapon in Minecraft. You can easily enchant any item using an anvil and an enchanted book that you can typically find in dungeon chests. This enchantment also has three power levels, from I to III.
However, it is not easy to perform this enchantment on any item in the game, especially if you don’t know the right ways to do it. But, before we reveal all the secrets of this enchantment, let’s first understand what this enchantment is all about and which tools you can use this enchantment on.
Table of Contents
- 1 How To Enchant An Item In Minecraft?
- 2 What The Unbreaking Enchantment Actually Is?
- 3 How To Get Unbreaking Enchantment In Minecraft?
- 4 How To Get Unbreaking Enchantment With Command?
- 5 How To Use The Enchanted Tables For Unbreaking?
- 6 What Can The Unbreaking Enchantment Do In Minecraft?
- 7 What Weapons And Tools Can Get The Unbreaking Enchantment In Minecraft?
- 8 Effects Of Unbreaking On Various Materials On Minecraft
- 9 FAQs
- 10 Conclusion
How To Enchant An Item In Minecraft?
Before you know about the unbreaking enchantment in Minecraft, you need to understand how to enchant any item in the game. Otherwise, you can’t use the enchantment properly even after having it. Typically, there are three ways to enchant any item in Minecraft that are as follows.
- Anvil: Not just one of the most effective tools in Minecraft, the anvil comes in handy in many places. You can easily combine two enchanted items together using an anvil. So, if you have a knockback enchanted sword and a fortune enchanted sword, you can just combine those two to get a single sword with both the fortune and knockback enchantment. However, you can enchant any single item using an anvil in this game.

- Anvil And Enchanted Book: You can use your anvil to combine any weapon or tool with an enchanted book. So, if you have a knockback enchanted book with you, you can easily make an enchanted pickaxe by combining the enchanted book with your regular pickaxe using an anvil.

- Enchanting Table: You can simply use an enchanting table to enchant any item, tool, or weapon in Minecraft. All you need is to power up the enchanted table first with your EXP and lapis lazuli. And once it is powered up, you can use any enchantment to embed it in any tool or weapon.
Besides these three, you can also enchant any item in Minecraft by using command lines. However, you need to turn on the “Cheat Mode” before you can use any commands in the game.
What The Unbreaking Enchantment Actually Is?

The Minecraft unbreaking enchantment is one of the powerful operations in Minecraft, no doubt about it! But do you know what this enchantment is all about? The unbreaking enchantment in Minecraft can increase the durability of any tool or weapon in the game. Besides, you can also use it on your armor to make it extremely durable.
This enchantment forces any tool, weapon, or armor to use lesser durability points when you use it. And by doing that, it can stop the wearing out of any items in Minecraft. Let it be a sword, a pickaxe, a shield, or a trident; you can power up any item in Minecraft with the unbreaking enchantment. However, it is better to use this enchantment in such tools that you use frequently.
The unbreaking enchantment has three power levels in the game, from Level-I to Level-III. If you can enchant any tool or weapon with unbreaking Level-III, it will make the item immensely durable, although reaching the third level can be extremely challenging.
How To Get Unbreaking Enchantment In Minecraft?
Although unbreaking is one of the most powerful enchantments in Minecraft, it is extremely difficult to get, especially until you reach a higher level. However, there are four tested ways to get this enchantment that are as follows.
- Enchanting Table: You can use your enchanting table to put the unbreaking enchantment in any item. This table will use lapis lazuli and your EXP points to enchant any item. Besides, these methods can also save your time.

- Enchanted Book: You can efficiently execute the unbreaking enchantment while using an enchanted book. And you can typically find these books in treasure or loot chests. You can even get it while fishing, although the chance is very rare. Besides, you can also trade this book with librarians in your village. And in the Bedrock edition, you can even get this enchantment as a drop from pillagers and vindicators.
- Kill Hostile Mobs: You need to first trace a hostile mob with enchanted gear. If you can kill it, there is an 8.5% chance of getting this enchantment as a drop from that mob.

- Trade With Piglins: You can give some gold ingots to piglins in this game to get an enchanted book. However, piglins often give iron boots instead of enchantments.
Besides these four traditional methods to get unbreaking enchantment, you can also get this enchantment through command lines. However, you need to enable the “Cheat Mode” before you use the commands.
How To Get Unbreaking Enchantment With Command?
As you must have already understood, you need to turn on the cheat mode to get enchantments through commands. And you can also get the Minecraft unbreaking through commands. If you are using the standard edition (both Java and Bedrock), you can use the “/enchant @p unbreaking 1
” to get the level-I enchantment.
And to get level-II and level-II unbreaking enchantment, you need to enter the “/enchant @p unbreaking 2
” and “/enchant @p unbreaking 3
” commands, respectively. However, the commands are a bit different if you are using the pocket edition, especially the 1.0 and 1.1 versions.
To get level-I unbreaking enchantment in the PE edition, you need to use the “/enchant @p durability 1
” command. And for level-II and level-II enchantment, you need to use the “/enchant @p durability 2
” and “/enchant @p durability 3
” commands, respectively.
How To Use The Enchanted Tables For Unbreaking?

Using an enchanted table is the most straightforward way to put the unbreaking enchantment on any tool, weapon, or armor in Minecraft. Once you have an enchanting table, you need to make a boundary around it by placing 15 bookshelves. However, you need to keep a block of air between the table and the bookshelf boundary.
And after setting up the enchanting table, you need some EXP points and some lapis lazuli to power up the table. So, you need to keep your EXP on the higher side. Once your table setup is done, you can then place any item on the table. The enchanting table will then show three available enchantments and the EXP and lapis lazuli requirements for each of those enchantments.
You also need to understand that the higher will be your EXP and lapis lazuli collection, the more powerful enchantment you can execute on any item in Minecraft. So, you need to collect EXP and lapis lazuli gemstones wherever you can find them.
What Can The Unbreaking Enchantment Do In Minecraft?

As you must have already understood, the unbreaking enchantment can improve the durability factor of any tool, weapon, or armor in Minecraft. It will force the weapon to take lesser durability points when used, which is surely among the best advantages of unbreaking enchantment.
You can enchant any item with unbreaking that has durability points, such as a pickaxe or a sword. However, you can make any diamond tool immensely powerful and durable by using this enchantment. And the easiest method to do this is by using the enchanted book and anvil.
The typical lifespan of any item in Minecraft is “Power Level + 1” times long. However, you can reduce the durability factor by [100 / (Power Level + 1)] % on average by using the unbreaking enchantment. And for armors, the durability factor can be reduced by [60 + {40 / (Power Level +1)}] % by using this enchantment.
Typically, it is noticed that your weapon can have up to 75% longer lifespan and your armor up to 43% longer lifespan after using the unbreaking Level-III enchantment in Minecraft.
What Weapons And Tools Can Get The Unbreaking Enchantment In Minecraft?

Before you know how to use the unbreaking enchantment, you must know about the items on which you can perform this enchantment. Otherwise, you may waste your enchantment if you execute it on the wrong item in Minecraft. Unbreaking is a universal enchantment in this game, and you can use it for any weapon and armor.
You can enchant your axes, pickaxes, hoes, shovels, and swords with unbreaking. But pro players prefer to use the unbreaking enchantment on their pickaxes, as this tool is mostly used for mining and needs a high durability factor.
However, you can also use the unbreaking enchantment in unconventional items, such as a fishing rod or trident. You can effectively secure the lifespan of a trident in Minecraft, as it is extremely difficult to get in this game. Besides, you can also use the enchantment on chest plates, helmets, leggings, and helmets.
Effects Of Unbreaking On Various Materials On Minecraft

You may not know, but you can even enchant elements with unbreaking in Minecraft. So, let it be an axe of gold or a sword of Netherite; you can use the unbreaking enactment on those elements. And depending on the power level of this enchantment, the durability point will increase. Check out the table to know more!

So, depending on the element used to craft any tool or weapon in Minecraft, the durability point will increase accordingly after using the unbreaking enchantment. So, it is better to use this enchantment on powerful tools to secure a longer lifespan.
Q. Does Unbreaking 3 last forever?
No, unbreaking III will not last forever in Minecraft, although it can drastically increase the durability point of any item. If you execute the unbreaking enchantment on any diamond pick, it will shoot the durability point up to 6,144, which is four times higher than the base durability point of any diamond pickaxe.
Q. Is Mending better than Unbreaking?
According to most pro-Minecraft players, mending is a more powerful enchantment than unbreaking in the game. However, you shouldn’t use mending on bows. Bows mainly need infinity enchantment to become extremely powerful. And the mending enchantment will conflict with the infinity enchantment.
Q. What is the rarest enchantment in Minecraft?
Without any doubt, the frost walker is the rarest enchantment you can get in Minecraft. It has the lowest rate of availability and is extremely difficult to get, although it is a niche enchantment. This enchantment also doesn’t have any significant impact on general tools in regular biomes.
Q. Can you have both Unbreaking and mending?
Yes, you can combine and use both the unbreaking and mending enchantments together in Minecraft. While mending restores the durability point of any weapon or tool, the unbreaking enchantment, on the other hand, will force the weapon to use lesser durability points when used, thus making the weapon almost indestructible.
The best thing about the unbreaking enchantment is that it doesn’t have any compatibility issues. So, you can easily use and combine this enchantment with other enchantments available in this game. It is also better to enchant weapons and tools with both the mending and unbreaking enchantment to make them even more durable and powerful.
So, these are all that you need to know about the Minecraft unbreaking enchantment. However, if you think we have missed any crucial aspect of this enchantment, or if you know about any other secrets of this enchantment, don’t forget to drop your suggestions and feedback in the comment box.
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