Lava is one of the two primary fluids you can find in Minecraft. And it is an extremely useful item for various works, such as smelting, cooking, or even as a light source, although getting lava is a big deal in the game. But what if we say that you can now create infinite lava in Minecraft?
You can create an infinite lava pool with five items: a pointed dripstone, four polished blackstones, six cobblestones, an iron cauldron, and a bucket of lava. Besides, you can collect an infinite amount of lava from any pool in the Nether.
It can be pretty hard if you don’t know the right way to make an infinite lava pool in Minecraft, even if you have all the resources with you. But, before we reveal the safe methods to craft one, let’s understand what lava actually is and what it can do in Minecraft.
Table of Contents
- 1 What Is Lava In Minecraft?
- 2 How To Use Lava In Minecraft?
- 3 How To Get Infinite Lava In Minecraft?
- 4 How Do You Make Lava From Bedrock?
- 5 How To Get 1.9 Pre-Release 5 Infinite Lava Source?
- 6 How To Have Infinite Lava In The Nether?
- 7 Where Do I Put The Nether Portal In Minecraft?
- 8 Pros And Cons Of Infinite Lava Farm In The Nether
- 9 FAQs
- 10 Conclusion
What Is Lava In Minecraft?

Yes, before you know how to craft an infinite lava source in Minecraft, you definitely need to know what lava actually is in the game. You can get only two kinds of fluid in Minecraft, which are water and lava. While water is used for general purposes, such as sculpting a landscape, lava has various other purposes, and most of them are extremely useful.
Lava is primarily used for two main things in Minecraft: cooking and smelting. However, it is also used by many pro-gamers as a great light source. Lava can also be utilized in combat against dead and undead mobs, although you need to deal with lava with extreme precaution.
However, crafting lava, that too in infinite quantities, is now very much possible after the release of the Minecraft 1.18 update. Besides lava, you can also make a campfire for cooking your items. And if you don’t know how to get one, follow our detailed guide about how to make a campfire in Minecraft in both Java and Bedrock editions.
How To Use Lava In Minecraft?

Primarily, lava is used to generate heat and light at the same time in Minecraft. And you can now also use lava in the furnaces as well, as it is an extremely efficient tool for all your smelting needs. Besides, many people also use lava for cooking and to do various other things, such as using it as a weapon against the mobs.
However, collecting lava manually can take a lot of time, as it is one of the most scarce elements in Minecraft. But yes, you can now make your own infinite lava in Minecraft to cross that hurdle. And if you want to use it in a furnace, you definitely need a ladder to do it. But, if you don’t know how to make one, follow our comprehensive guide about how to make a ladder in Minecraft from your PC, consoles, and smartphones.
How To Get Infinite Lava In Minecraft?

Although it is now very much possible to get unlimited lava in Minecraft, you need some specific things to craft it in the game. And almost all the items necessary for this trick can be easily found in the game. The required items are as follows.
- Pointed Dripstone: You first need a pointed dripstone which should be just one block high. And these stones are naturally created in the overworld. Besides, you can also find it in the caves, which you can easily pick through a pickaxe.

- Polished Blackstone: You can get blackstone in the neither, as it naturally forms there. All you need to do is to collect the stone from the basalt delta biomes with a pickaxe. You then need to arrange four blocks of blackstones in a 2×2 grid on the crafting table to polish it.

- Lava: Yes, you need a bucket full of lava to craft an infinite source. You can easily get it in any world.

- Cobblestone: You also need four to six pieces of cobblestone to create an infinite lava source in Minecraft. And like lava, it can be easily collected in almost all the worlds.

- Iron Cauldron: First, you need to collect seven iron ingots from your world. And then, you need to arrange those seven ingots in a “U” shape on the crafting table to create a cauldron.

Once you have all these six resources necessary to craft an infinite lava source, you can start making one. And the steps to create it are as follows.
- Step 1: Put two cobblestones on top of each other anywhere in your world.

- Step 2: Once you stack them, put a polished blackstone on top of that pile.
- Step 3: Now, remove the cobblestones underneath the blackstone slowly.

- Step 4: Insert the pointed dripstone under the blackstone (the empty place from where you have removed the blackstones).

- Step 5: Insert a cauldron under the dripstone you have just placed.

- Step 6: Add one more cobblestone on top of the smooth blackstone in the upper layer.

- Step 7: Now, surround that cobblestone with five other cobblestones and remove the centerpiece.

- Step 8: Put one bucket of lava in the empty center space.

- Step 9: Check if the dripstone is pouring lava into your cauldron or not.

- Step 10: Once the cauldron is filled with molten lava, you can collect and use it.

You should make the infinite lava source beforehand. Because crafting lava from an infinite source can take a bit of time. So, don’t craft it amidst a battle.
How Do You Make Lava From Bedrock?
We have already discussed how to create infinite lava in Minecraft java edition. However, not every people use the java edition, as there is a dedicated fanbase for the bedrock version of this game. You can witness lava in bedrock, although you need to activate it from obsidian in the nether portal.
You can also get a lava nether, which is basically a bottomless pit of lava, although they are incredibly hostile. Besides, you will also encounter several deadly mobs in the nether portal. Moreover, you need to also take your resources with you in the portal, such as cobblestone and a pickaxe. And the steps are as follows.
- Step 1: Enter the Nether portal and move towards the lava lake (you may encounter Ghasts on the way).

- Step 2: Locate the source of lava and secure it with a cobblestone.

- Step 3: Now, create a way for lava to enter your lava pool with a pickaxe.

- Step 4: Once the lava starts to pour, you can claim the pool and use it the way you want.
Fighting with zombies and Ghasts will be easy with a smoker in the nether portal. However, if you don’t know how to get one, follow our comprehensive guide on how to make a smoker in Minecraft bedrock edition.
How To Get 1.9 Pre-Release 5 Infinite Lava Source?
You can now craft a Minecraft lava source on your own, even in the pre-release 1.9 edition. And you can do it by following the steps mentioned below.
- Step 1: Dig a small cross shape in any empty area in your world.

- Step 2: Put four buckets of lava on any end of that cross-shaped pit.

- Step 3: Let the lava flow in the center block.

- Step 4: Now, collect lava from the center block, as it will never drop in quantity.

Collecting lava is a dangerous procedure, and you need to take cautious steps to do it the right way. If you fall into the pit while collecting lava, you’ll die in no time.
How To Have Infinite Lava In The Nether?

You need to understand that lava is the only liquid you’ll find in the nether portal, as it works like water inside the portal. And you can witness several lava pools in the portal, although you need to fight with Ghasts to get there. You can also swim inside the lava pool in the nether portal. And to get infinite lava in Minecraft, you can use those pools as your primary source.
Before entering the portal, you need to bring 36 buckets with you, which is the highest number of buckets you can carry when they are filled with lava. Once you get into the nether portal, track a lava pool and collect lava with your buckets. And to get into the portal easily, you can now also use commands.
Where Do I Put The Nether Portal In Minecraft?

It is easy to collect lava if you can create a nether portal in the nether world. However, you need to create a nether portal deep inside the nether world to access the lava pool. The height of the overworld is also directly connected to the nether world. So, you will have an idea of how much you need to dig underground before you place a nether portal.
Start mining the bottom floor until you reach a deepslate region and then craft the nether portal over there. If you can craft it in the right way, you’ll be teleported to the nether world in no time. But, at times, you’ll be directly landed inside a lava pool in the Nether world. However, you don’t need to worry as you can swim in the lava pool.
If you can’t find any lava pool where you land in the nether portal, you must search the nearby area to get one. However, you need to keep track of your nether portal to make a safe return to your world.
Pros And Cons Of Infinite Lava Farm In The Nether
Although you can now easily create a Minecraft lava farm after the 1.18 update patch, there are some pros and cons of crafting it in any world.
- You don’t need to craft anything to get unlimited lava from the nether world.
- A pickaxe and a cobblestone are sufficient to craft your own lava pool on nether.
- You can take up to 36 buckets of lava from the nether portal at once.
- It is easy to create a nether portal in any world in Minecraft.
- Teleporting yourself to the Nether world can be extremely dangerous, especially if you are not well equipped.
- You’ll encounter almost an endless number of Ghasts in the nether portal.
- Creating a lava firm in your own world will generate more lava over time.
Q. Can you get infinite lava in Minecraft?
Yes, you can now get infinite lava in Minecraft after the 1.18 update patch. And you can do it in both the overworld and the Nether. However, you need to create an infinite lava pool in the lava pool while you need to collect lava from a lava pool in the Nether. And from the Nether, you can only collect 36 buckets of lava at once.
Q. How do you farm lava?
Take a pointed dripstone and place it a block high in your world. Now, place a cauldron underneath the pointed dripstone. You then need to put one bucket of lava in the empty center space. Let your cauldron drip lava and collect it when the center pool is filled.
Q. How do you make an infinite lava Farm in Minecraft?
A pointed dripstone, six blocks of blackstones, a cauldron, and a bucket full of lava are all that you need to make an infinite lava pool in Minecraft. Besides, you can also teleport yourself to the nether portal and collect 36 buckets of lava at once from any lava pool inside the nether world.
Q. Can you use dripstone to get infinite lava?
Dripstones are famous for their pointed edges that can be used as a weapon. And you can easily defeat hostile mobs or LAN opponents with it. However, dripstone is also necessary to get an infinite lava source in Minecraft, as you need to place a pointed dripstone on top of the lava pool to create an infinite source.
As we have already said, creating an infinite lava source is now easy after the 1.18 update release. However, lava is an extremely dangerous thing in Minecraft, as it can burn you to ashes in no time. So, you need to handle lava with extreme caution. Besides, you should also carry some powerful weapons before entering the nether portal, such as a box. If you don’t know how to craft one, follow our detailed guide on how to repair a bow in Minecraft.
So, these are all the tested techniques we have to crate infinite lava in Minecraft. If you think we have missed any other methods, or if you know any secret techniques to craft one, feel free to drop your suggestions and feedback in the comment box.
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